Absinthe “Vieux Pontarlier” 65°
Absinthe “Vieux Pontarlier” 65°

Absinthe “Vieux Pontarlier” 65°


Absinthe Vieux Pontarlier 65 ° from Les Fils d’Emile Pernot is one of the jewels of the range. It is an absinthe with very complex aromas.

It is distilled from wine alcohol and a mixture of plants rigorously selected for their aromatic properties. The nose is powerful and fresh. The peppermint and the great absinthe are very present. A milky absinthe with very elegant green reflections.

Absinthe Vieux Pontarlier has been rewarded many times in France and abroad; It is recognized as one of the best absinthes in the World.


COUNTRY France (Pontarlier) 

About The Producer

The Very First Absinthe Distillery in History

The magnificent century-old copper alembics used by Pernot for their absinthe distillations were made by the famous old firm of Egrot in the early 1900’s. They were specially designed and built for absinthe distillation, and they are the only stills of their kind in operation anywhere in the world. These stills allow the Pernot distillery to produce absinthes of exceptional quality according to methods unchanged for a century.

Absinthe is a strongly alcoholic aperitif made from alcohol and distilled herbs or herbal extracts, chief amongst them grand wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) and green anise, but also almost always including 3 other herbs: petite wormwood (Artemisia pontica, aka Roman wormwood), fennel, and hyssop.